26 Online Instructional Resources for Homeschool Parents and Teachers

As the world makes the shift to rapid shift to online learning to  protect the health and safety of our families, LearnED Potential has put together 26 online resources from A-Z that is FREE for parents to use while schools are closed:

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Without further ado, here are 26 FREE online instruction resources in order from A-Z :

A- Adventure 2 Learning  https://adventure2learning.com// 

Adventure 2 Learning is a video-centered education platform that's used in over 25,000 elementary schools, providing core curriculum and emerging subjects (e.g., MIndfulness, online behavior) in a way that's fun & exciting for diverse learners. Adventure to Learning is 2 Months free for all families affected with code LEARN60

B- Brain Pop https://go.brainpop.com/accessrequest

BrainPOP's animated movies, creative thinking tools, interactive quizzes, and playful assessments have made a difference for millions of K-12 students. Brain Pop is providing free, unlimited use of the full BrainPOP suite during the period of closure. They are also providing additional on- and offline activities and ideas to support distance learning via this link: https://educators.brainpop.com/school-home-connection-resources/

C-Clark Creative Education https://clarkcreativeeducation.com/freebies/ 

Engaging K-12 curriculum for math, science, social studies, and language arts and giving out 1,000 free pages of teaching resources and digital instructional materials.

D- Dreambox Learning  www.dreambox.com/at-home 

Award winning K-8 online math program that looks at how a student is solving problems to adjust accordingly and build a unique learning path for them. Dream box has a 90 day free trial if you sign up by April 30th.

E- Education.com https://www.education.com/workbooks/independent/  

     Digital resources, tools, and learning materials developed by educational experts. Education .com has put together Independent Study Packets for families. They are providing week’s worth of offline activities tailored to grade levels covering English Language Arts, Math, Science, and Social Studies for K-5. These are ready to print or can be emailed as a PDF. They are  currently working on Weeks 2 and 3 as we speak.

F- Fluency & Fitness  https://fluencyandfitness.com/register/school-closures/

Fluency & Fitness® provides educational brain breaks to help students review essential literacy and math skills, while getting in some exercise. Find over 900 videos to help your child keep learning at home and burn off some extra energy. The site is best used for ages 4-8. They are offering our subscription website FREE for parents to use at home during the school closures.

G- Get Brainy Box https://www.getbrainybox.com/shop/

Montessori style educational kits complete with lesson plans and printable materials. All PDF kits are free - use coupon code 2020homeschool at checkout.

H- Handwriting Heros https://appytherapy.com/handwriting-heroes/

Handwriting Heroes is a multisensory handwriting curriculum that teaches children how to form their letters through animations, stories and song.iPad app is being offered free of charge and Letter formation videos – always free

I-I-Ready Practice Packs www.i-Ready.com/athome 

Printable at-home packs for grades K-8, Reading and Mathematics. Guidance for using i-Ready, Ready, and Ready Classroom during extended absences from school available on website, At-home packs are free for anyone who needs them.

J-JASON Learning https://www.jason.org/coronavirus 

 Extensive digital library featuring hundreds of award-winning online and hands-on STEM activities for K-12 students. Multidisciplinary approach integrates reading and writing skills into every lesson as well. Videos, articles, games, simulations, and projects can keep students actively engaged.JASON is offering any school district facing closures free online access to our digital platform and STEM curricula. Access will be made available through the end of April.

K- Kaplan Test Prep https://www.kaptest.com/sat/free/sat-on-demand-trial 

Free SAT Prep for 1 month. Instructional videos on test content, strategy, and more. Practice questions and explanations. No credit card needed.

L- Learning A-Z https://www.learninga-z.com/site/lp2/covid19 

   Learning A-Z-Raz-Kids is an award-winning digital library of leveled eBooks and eQuizzes that students use to practice reading in school, at home, or on the go. Raz-Kids makes it easy for teachers to differentiate reading practice and monitor student progress online. In addition, the engaging student portal features interactive tools and incentives that keep kids motivated to practice and improve their reading skills. Free access to Raz-Kids through the end of this school year.

M- MathChops https://www.mathchops.com/  

Adaptive math practice through customized games. Specific versions for the SAT, ACT, ISEE, SSAT and school enrichment grades 4 - 11. Matchops is offering Free access to adaptive SAT and ACT math prep and grades 4 - 11 math enrichment.

N-Numerade https://www.numerade.com/

A free platform enabling educators to record and share lessons with students and the world's largest collection of STEM video courses and text book answers.

O-Oppia  https://www.oppia.org/library 

Online lesson platform specializing in math lessons that are interactive, story-based, and focused on effectiveness.Oppia is over free lessons in basic math and more to come. 

P- Paragraph Punch http://www.paragraphpunch.com/index.php

Paragraph Punch is a free resource for teaching students how to write paragraphs. Access is free to all students. 

Q-Quill  https://www.quill.org/ 

Quill.org's free online tools help 3rd-12th grade students improve their writing and grammar skills. Quill.org uses artificial intelligence to automatically grade and serve feedback on student writing, enabling students to continually revise their work and quickly improve their skills. Quill is a nonprofit that is always free to teachers and students.

R-Read Naturally Live https://www.readnaturally.com/read-naturally-live 

Read Naturally Live is a web-based intervention that applies the research-based Read Naturally Strategy to accelerate reading achievement. Visual and auditory prompts guide students through the motivating steps to develop fluency and phonics skills, support comprehension, and improve vocabulary. Read Naturally Live is free for 60 Days. 

S-Science Buddies  https://www.sciencebuddies.org/stem-activities

  Science Buddies offers thousands of free resources for learning STEM, including a collection of 160+ fun, hands-on STEM activities and videos. Each of our K-12 activities covers a specific STEM concept, can be done in an hour or less, and can usually be done with materials easily found at home. Perfect to keep students engaged during school closures. In addition to activities, Science Buddies also has lesson plans.

T-Typing Club  https://www.typingclub.com/ 

TypingClub is an effective way for students to learn how to type. It is web based and free for both individuals and schools.

U-Unite for Literacy  https://www.uniteforliteracy.com/

Free texts for primary students to read. It also has the option for students to click on the words and have the text read to them. Unite for Literacy is always free and offers different emergent texts for students to read.

V-Virtual Field Trips www.virtualfieldtrips.com 

Virtual Field Trips offers videos covering the K-8 social studies, life science, geography, and ancient civilization curriculum content. Our videos are standards-aligned and we also provide quizzes. We also have 300+ learning activities that have been designed to accompany our videos. Virtual Field Trips offers a Free 60-day Membership

W- Wonderscape Education  https://wonderscapeeducation.vhx.tv/

Wonderscape Education offers over 200 educational videos from K-12 with review questions at the end of each video segment to reinforce learning! Wonderscape is offering Free Access for 14 days. 

X- Xtra Math https://xtramath.org/#/home/index 

XtraMath® is a nonprofit organization dedicated to math achievement for all. Their goal is to develop effective, efficient, adaptive, and intrinsically rewarding supplemental math activities for students. All Resources are Free!

Y- Yo Re Mi https://www.yoremikids.com/app 

   Yo Re Mi provides music, yoga, mindfulness classes and videos for children (preschool - grade 5.) Free access to our musical yoga and mindfulness app. Yo Re Me is  providing a free 60-day unlimited access to the app to the first 500 users who request it. Additional requests will be added to the waitlist and entered as more funds become available.

Z- Zinc https://www.zinclearninglabs.com/ 

   Zinc is a suite of online literacy tools for 6th-12th grade students. They offer differentiated authentic articles, vocabulary games, and close reading instruction. Their Reading Sprints are great for self-paced long-term assignments. Zinc is offering free use for all students and teachers impacted by closures. Licenses will go through July 2020.

These are only 26 of the hundreds of websites that are  free to families and teachers. Comment below with any additional resources that will be helpful during the transition to an online learning format