5 Ways Teachers Can Re-energize During Winter Break
Breaks during the school year are stress-free times for students. However, the same can't always be said for teachers. They are usually using that time to create lesson plans or finish training.
We are all familiar with that stressful time leading up to winter break. The feeling of having 100 different things to do and not enough time to do it. Let's also not forget the bigger feeling of running out of energy in the middle of the school year marathon.
Teachers do A LOT everyday. They juggle students, parents, staff, administration, tests, standards and life. So if anyone needs a break, it is definitely YOU, teacher.
Here are 5 ways that teachers can re-energize during winter break and decrease burnout in the second half of the year.
Exercise,Yoga and/or Meditation Add exercise, yoga, or meditation into your daily routine. It's said to help you recenter and relieve stress. Carve out 30 minutes out of your day to focus on your health and wellness.
Travel Get away on a Getaway! Sometimes escaping to a different place is all you need to get back to yourself. Winter breaks and summer breaks are often the best time to travel. If cost is an issue, then something as simple as a solo drive or a road trip to see family can be just as effective. Put together an amazing playlist, podcasts and snacks and head out on an adventure.
Read for pleasure Teachers are often reading up on all of the latest curriculum and technology. Take this break as an opportunity to read for leisure and pleasure. Escape from the world with your favorite novel or self empowerment book.
Expand on your hobbies If you like to paint, hike, watch birds or play sports, winter break is the best time to expand on those hobbies. Reconnect with the hobbies you enjoyed in your childhood or things you loved to do when you had more time.
Make time to do whatever you want (even if it’s nothing at all) The first few months of school are often a whirlwind. They go from really intense to being over in the blink of an eye. Winter break is an excellent time to slow down and say to yourself, “I don't want to do anything today.”
This winter break is your time to do whatever you choose and remember that relaxing is just as important (if not more) than lesson plans.
Enjoy your time off, you deserve it!